National Postal Mail Handlers Union - Unity · Democracy · Strength - Division of LIUNA - AFL-CIO

National Postal Mail Handlers Union A Division of LIUNA (AFL-CIO)

Member Resources


Since the early 1970s, Mail Handlers have not been ‘issued’ work clothes or the contract uniform. Instead, the National Postal Mail Handlers Union has bargained for our members to be provided with an annual allowance with which to purchase these items. This language can be found under Article 26 of the National Agreement.

All employees who are required to wear uniforms or work clothes shall be furnished uniforms or work clothes or shall be reimbursed for purchases of authorized items from duly licensed vendors. The current administration of the Uniform and Work Clothes Program shall be continued unless otherwise changed by this Agreement or the Employer.

In the 2022 National Agreement, the NPMHU successfully bargained for the carry over of our members uniform allowance.

Unused portions of an eligible employee’s annual allowance for uniform and work clothing will be carried over and available for use beginning twelve (12) months after the end of each anniversary year. An eligible employee’s uniform and work clothing allowance balance may not exceed the sum of two (2) years of the employee’s annual allowance entitlement. This uniform and work clothing program adjustment will be implemented no later than twelve (12) months from the ratification date of the 2022 Agreement.

In order to access this benefit, follow the steps below.

  1. Login into LiteBlue.
  2. Go to MyHR.
  3. Click on the Pay & Benefits drop down.
  4. Select Uniforms.

While in in LiteBlue, you can find approved uniform vendors using the USPS uniform vendors list. However, not all vendors listed on the USPS vendors list carry Mail Handler uniforms.


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