National Postal Mail Handlers Union - Unity · Democracy · Strength - Division of LIUNA - AFL-CIO

National Postal Mail Handlers Union A Division of LIUNA (AFL-CIO)

Media Center / Mail Handler Update

February 2021


Every two years, the Committee on the Future of the National Postal Mail Handlers Union adopts a comprehensive legislative agenda for the new congressional session. For the 117th session, NPMHU is focused on protecting the health and safety of our members and our postal brothers and sisters as the COVID-19 pandemic continues to impact our professional and personal lives. Additionally, the NPMHU will remain dedicated to its postal reform work, ensuring the financial sustainability of the Postal Service, while strengthening the universal service obligation for all American households and businesses. NPMHU will also promote protecting the postal workforce’s earned benefits and our collective bargaining rights. As the nation saw during the 2020 elections, the United States Postal Service serves a vital part to the country’s democratic process. Because of this, the NPMHU will continue to advocate for strengthening vote by mail initiatives.

A more detailed version of this legislative agenda will be available on the NPMHU legislative website, and will be published in the Winter 2021 Mail Handler Magazine. If you have any questions about the NPMHU’s congressional goals for the 117th or how to discuss this agenda with your Representative or Senators, please contact NPMHU Legislative and Political Director Katie Maddocks at

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