National Postal Mail Handlers Union - Unity · Democracy · Strength - Division of LIUNA - AFL-CIO

National Postal Mail Handlers Union A Division of LIUNA (AFL-CIO)

Media Center / News

Feb 21

Statement of National President Paul V. Hogrogian, National Postal Mail Handlers Union, on Potential Executive Order

The Washington Post has reported that the Trump Administration is contemplating issuing an Executive Order firing the Postal Board of Governors and placing the United States Postal Service under the control of the Commerce Department.

Such a change would be the first step in destroying the Postal Service – an institution central to more than 166 million households and businesses. The Postal Service, through the work of its 640,000 employees, is responsible for ensuring that every American receives packages and mail ranging from Social Security checks, necessary medications, government correspondence, packages, and mail from loved ones. The Postal Service is an institution that is ingrained in our Constitution and older than the United States of America itself.

On behalf of the more than 54,000 mail handlers across the country, we will not stand by while the Trump Administration attacks this critical public resource. Firing the Board of Governors and seeking to privatize the work of the Postal Service will do nothing other than harm the American people who rely on the Postal Service every day.

The reported Executive Order does not serve the United States Postal Service and it does not make America great.


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