National Postal Mail Handlers Union - Unity · Democracy · Strength - Division of LIUNA - AFL-CIO

National Postal Mail Handlers Union A Division of LIUNA (AFL-CIO)

Media Center / News

Jan 14

Multifactor Authentication Now Required for LiteBlue Access

On Sunday, January 15, the USPS is deploying the MFA (Multifactor Authentication) solution for LiteBlue as an additional security measure to protect employees’ IDs, passwords, and other personal data from unauthorized access and misuse. At this time, employees are required to sign up for MFA to obtain access to LiteBlue. As a part of the MFA implementation, there are a few steps employees must complete. These steps include:

1. Reset their Self-Service Profile (SSP) password.
2. Verify answers to security questions.
3. Verify the last four digits of their Social Security Number (new security enhancement).
4. Establish MFA preferences.

Protecting LiteBlue
Multifactor authentication now required

To protect employees and the organization from cybercriminals, the Postal Service will require multifactor authentication (MFA) for access to LiteBlue after Jan. 15. Multifactor authentication is an identity verification method in which users provide two or more confirmation factors to gain access to an online account. It is frequently used by banks and other institutions dealing with sensitive personal information.

When employees log into LiteBlue, they will be required to set up their MFA preferences. Once an employee’s MFA setup is enabled, these ID confirmation factors will be required each time he or she logs in.

Employees can click on “Multifactor Authentication” on the LiteBlue login page at for more information and to view support materials. The Postal Service provided the following resources pertaining to Multifactor Authentication for LiteBlue:


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