Pervous (Andy B.) Badilishamwalimu - Director
Andy began his career with the United States Postal Service as a Local 310 mail handler in the Atlanta P&DC in 1987. Andy served as a shop steward beginning in 1994. After serving as Chief Steward for 6 years, in 1997 Andy was elected to Branch President, a position he held for two terms. In addition, Brother Badilishamwalimu served Georgia members as Vice President beginning in 2005. In 2011, Andy was elected to Local 310 President, a position he held for nearly four terms, until his planned transition to Washington, DC in mid-May 2022.
Andy is a skilled advocate and member of the NPMHU National Training Team. Andy brings to the table a considerable background in arbitration advocacy and contract enforcement. Andy is also trained in various areas of specialty including FMLA, RI399, EEOC, MSPB & QWL. In 2015, Andy was appointed to the NPMHU Committee on the Future and was a member of the Field Negotiating Committee for the last two rounds of national bargaining. Andy also served as the Credentials Committee Chairperson for the 2016 and 2020 NPMHU Conventions.
NPMHU Eastern Regional Office
815 16th St. N.W. Suite 5100Washington DC 20006Office (202) 833-9095
Fax (202) 833-4643
The Eastern Regional Office is located in Washington, DC. The jurisdiction of this office includes Locals 304, 305, 308, 309 (Erie, PA only), 322, 334.