National Postal Mail Handlers Union - Unity · Democracy · Strength - Division of LIUNA - AFL-CIO

National Postal Mail Handlers Union A Division of LIUNA (AFL-CIO)

Media Center / Mail Handler Update


With preparations underway for negotiations over the terms of the 2016 National Agreement between the NPMHU and the Postal Service, the National Office has issued its official call for bargaining proposals from all members and Local Unions.

To be fully considered prior to the onset of negotiations, proposals must be submitted by September 30, 2015.  Although formal bargaining is not scheduled to begin until February of next year, the Union’s Field Negotiating Committee will be meeting for a full week in October of 2015 to review all submitted proposals and outline the changes in the National Agreement that should be proposed by the NPMHU.

To be sure, planning for collective bargaining is a continuous process at the National Office, as the National Officers and representatives working in the Contract Administration Department routinely identify and collect proposals for improving the language currently found in the 2011 National Agreement.  But an equally important aspect of preparing for bargaining is the collection and review of proposals generated by mail handlers across the country.  Thus, National President Paul Hogrogian has issued this official call for bargaining proposals from the membership, the Local Unions, and other subordinate bodies of the NPMHU.

If you have any proposals that you would like to have considered for the upcoming round of bargaining, now is the time to submit them to the National Office.  Every proposal submitted will be fully analyzed by the NPMHU’s Field Negotiating Committee and the National Negotiations Team while the Union develops its opening bargaining proposals.

All proposals should set forth the Article, Section, Paragraph, and/or Page of the National Agreement that you are suggesting should be changed; the specific language you would like to see added to, or deleted from, the current National Agreement; and your specific reasons for suggesting the change.  If you have supporting evidence or documentation that you believe would support the change that you propose, please submit those materials to the National Office along with your proposals.

The National Office is asking that all proposals be submitted as soon as possible, but in no event later than September 30, 2015.  The National Office also has issued a form that can be used to submit proposals.  Copies of that form have been mailed to all Local Unions and all Local Union officers and stewards, and can be downloaded on the NPMHU website.

Once again, proposals from any member (or group of members) and any Local Unions or other subordinate body should be submitted to the National Office by September 30, 2015 using the following address:

National Postal Mail Handlers Union
2016 Negotiations
1101 Connecticut Avenue, NW, Suite 500
Washington, DC  20036

Download a blank bargaining proposal form (pdf)

Download a blank bargaining proposal form (pdf form fillable)


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