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NPMHU Membership Dues Increase
As required by Article XIV, Section 3 of the 2012 National Constitution, “[e]ach time that Mail Handlers receive a general negotiated or arbitrated wage increase, the dues for each Local’s regular members shall be increased by one dollar ($1.00) per pay period, of which amount twenty cents ($.20) shall be deducted by the National Office as increased per capita tax.” Article XIV also directs that the dues and per capita tax increase shall go into effect as soon as possible after the effective date of each general negotiated or arbitrated wage increase. Please note that, because of programming workload, the Postal Data Center (PDC) is unable to process the NPMHU dues increase until early in 2014. The current schedule calls for the PDC to first withhold this one dollar ($1.00) membership dues increase during PP03-2014, with retroactive collection back to PP25-2013 (when the wage increase takes effect).