National Postal Mail Handlers Union - Unity · Democracy · Strength - Division of LIUNA - AFL-CIO

National Postal Mail Handlers Union A Division of LIUNA (AFL-CIO)

Media Center / News

Nov 9

MOU: Sorting and Delivery Centers (S&DC) Staffing

RE: MOU: Sorting and Delivery Centers (S&DC) Staffing (pdf)

Enclosed is a copy of a recently signed MOU on the Staffing of the Sorting and Delivery Centers (S&DCs) between the USPS and the NPMHU. The S&DCs are a new facility from the Deliver for America Plan that will create large carrier stations by consolidating smaller offices.

As set forth in the MOU the parties agree to allow management to exceed the MHA and/or PTF cap for a period of 120 days from the activation of an S&DC. During this period a jurisdictional inventory per the RI-399 process should be completed. At the end of the 120 days the USPS and NPMHU will discuss the staffing of the S&DC.

Should you have any questions about these appeals or implementation of the MOU in any particular facility, please contact the National CAD.


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